Level: Platinum
Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has ...
Creative writing can be a vague and interpretive phrase! What does it really mean? Who are the creative writers? Are not all writers creative?
When I am reading I do not really want to waste my time reading writing which is not relevant and applicable to my life and work. I am just one of these serious chaps!
There is one area where I would seek to be creative though. I long to create a desire that people would come to know God through Jesus Christ and most of my writing and the talks that I prepare have that one aim in mind. The teaching aspect must not be forgotten because when people are born again they need to be fed with milk and meat so that they might grow and develop and ultimately mature.
Almighty God speaks to men and women today and to young people too. It was when I was eight years old that I was aware of God speaking to my heart.
Our God, the God and Father of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, is a God who speaks. Our living God had spoken through the prophets many times, and in various ways, but there came that moment when He spoke to men through His Son, Jesus.
Jesus is God's last word to the world. The final vital word God had to speak, He spoke it, in Jesus, and through Jesus.
God's word is not just something you hear. It is someone you see.
An amazing letter was written to Hebrew disciples of Jesus. Today, these disciples would be called Messianic Jews. The letters of Peter and Jacob were also written by Messianic Jews. Paul would be regarded as a Messianic Jew.
We do not know who wrote this letter but what we do know is important. These believers had not grown up. They had not matured. They were Jews who were holding onto Judaism, rather than Jesus Christ. They had come out of their old religious ways, but not fully. This is why the letter has so much to teach us today. The writer sounds many warnings. If you only come halfway you will tend to drift sooner or later.
Because of subtle external pressures these disciples of Jesus, who had had profound spiritual experiences, were being tempted to fall away, back into the familiar, or compromise here and there. The letter to the Hebrews portrays Jesus as better and superior to anything that has gone before, and emphasises Christ's uniqueness. It is absurd to try and place anyone else alongside Jesus Christ. Many would consider that Jesus Christ is just one of the ways to God the Father, but Jesus says, "No man comes to the Father except through me". Now, that is solemn and serious, but true.
When I write my longing is to be more than creative, and that is where content and substance assume an importance and prominence. The serious writer need never apologise for being serious, and the serious writer should continue to be serious if that is where he feels his strengths lie.
Sandy Shaw
Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu.
He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at http://www.studylight.org entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column.
His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sandy_Shaw

Article Submitted On: October 30, 2010

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