Everyday I'm cc'ed on ezines and emails from salespeople who are delivering value to their customers. They're answering customer questions and delivering ideas, updates, and success strategies. They're experts in their industry, just like you. However, there's a big difference between them and you. Their customers are aware of their expertise and are repaying them with their loyalty.
Are you writing to your customers?
If you think you don't have enough time to write, allocate more.
If you feel you have nothing to write about, switch to an industry that ignites your passion. If you don't think you're a good writer, you just need confidence and some pointers.
Here's the winning hand of tips to improve your writing:
Ace of Hearts: Follow great content creators. To see how bloggers and expert article writers do it, use alltop.com to find popular blogs regarding topics you're passionate about. Or, find your favorite magazine's online version. Digest and examine their free content to grow your writing skills. I frequent wired.com and dwell.com.
King of Hearts: Improve your diction. Remember vocabulary tests from grade school? For most people, learning new words stopped about the same time. If you have a smart phone, get Dictionary.com's app and turn on the "Word of the Day" feature. Each day, you'll learn a new word like, "perspicacious." To retain the word, force yourself to use it that day in conversation.
Queen of Hearts: Use more precise words. No one is expected to speak with Elizabethan eloquence, but it would behoove you to swap more general, common words with more fitting synonyms. The word "discover" is better than "find" and the term "aesthetically captivating" is more informative than "interesting." Using a more accurate word makes you appear more educated while improving your customers' engagement and comprehension.
Jack of Hearts: Break your sentences down. If your paragraph feels awkward, chances are you're trying to cram too much into one sentence. Split unwieldy sentences into two or three and you'll find your words and ideas will work themselves out into a more flowing arrangement.
Ten of Hearts: Don't reuse words too often. A quick way to sound pedestrian is to recycle the same words over and over again. Everyone has pet words, but when they appear too often in your writing, your readers may view them as a crutch for your inability to communicate clearly.
Andy Horner is the Product Manager for Ace of Sales. He has worked in sales and marketing for over twelve years. He specializes in the design and technology side of Ace of Sales development combined with relationship marketing and sales. His goal with Ace of Sales to create the best sales tool on the planet! To connect with Andy today, email andy@aceofsales.com. Try it free, use Promo Code: salesmaker go to http://www.aceofsales.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Horner

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